Thursday, February 27, 2020

APTT reagent contains pathromtin and Action FS Essay

APTT reagent contains pathromtin and Action FS - Essay Example Poor monitoring of heparin, Heparin interacts with contact activation pathway than tissue factor pathway, therefore making APTT not an ideal monitoring tool for heaprinoid since it is prone to nonheparin influences. (c) (I) The most probable diagnosis is hemophilia. This is because from the reference range, APTT is abnormal and we are to look at the coagulation in intrinsic pathway. It is clear that abnormal APTT is a result of abnormalities in the IX, XI, XII and FVII. A shortage in FVIII stops coagulation thus making clot not to form. This causes weak clot to form which is susceptible to knocks and bumps that will increase the level of hemophilia, thus the reason the boy is having pain on his left elbow, as there is recurrent bleeding. (ii) Hemophilia is disease caused by continuous recurrent bleeding. A deficiency in the FVIII which is a clotting factor causes a clot not to form thereby resulting is sustainable tissue damage that are prone to mechanical and fibrinolytic damage. Th e common site of hemorrhage is the weight bearing parts of the body such as the elbows and knees since they bear strain because of weight moreover their daily movements are susceptible to bumps and knock that can lead to more hemorrhage. This recurrent bleeding on to joints is very painful and results in tissue damage. As this problem persists for a long time it may necessitates the replacement of the affected joints since there will continuous contraction and loss in movement. 2. (a) When a normal neutrophil is smeared with a combination of May Grunewald and Giemsa stain, the neutrophil appears in a round or oval shaped cells when observed and the cells have granulated cytoplasm and eccentric...This digestion is composed of two parts: oxidize or respiratory response in which it involves the activation of non-mitochondrial oxidize enzymes that generates toxic oxygen species and the other process involves the release of neutrophil granule content into the ingested material. The combi nation of these two processes results into an effective killing mechanism. After this, the neutro...

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Toyota and its USA target market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Toyota and its USA target market - Essay Example The guiding policy of the company has been production of best quality vehicles at the lowest possible cost and in the safest environment. The company has expanded to other countries including the USA where it has created a firm base in vehicle production. Over the last decade, they have experienced rapid growth and diversification in the USA market in an attempt to increase their scope and quality. In the USA, the automotive sector is very competitive with companies like Toyota, Ford, Chrysler, Chevrolet, Dodge, Jeep and Hummer all competing against each other. With such companies in the industry, Toyota has had to employ superb marketing strategies in order to maintain and increase its customers. They have also consistently improved the quality of vehicles they produce with major improvements in the body shape, speed and luxury. Their improvements in quality of vehicles have earned them customer loyalty that has ensured that the companies’ sales continually increase. The management of the Toyota Company has employed different marketing strategies in order to overcome the stiff competition in the USA. Toyota has designed implementation and control programs that are aimed at increasing the acceptability of its products in the USA market. Its competitors have produced vehicles of similar quality like theirs but social marketing has done a great deal in ensuring they maintain their customers. The company has involved itself in community work, which has made the public appreciate the company and thus purchase their products while in need. Toyota has been in the forefront in environmental management and has organized cleanings exercises in cities such as New York and Michigan an act that publicizes them more and makes the pubic accept them more. Increasing the social acceptability has helped them gain competitive advantage over their competitors and thus thrives in the USA market. Toyota has also implemented augmented marketing by providing additional